Rupert & Rotschild Vignerons
Western Cape WO Baron Edmond 2019 Rupert & Rotschild Vignerons
0,75 ℓ
45.80 €
per bottle
(0,75 ℓ)
61.07 €/ℓ
incl. VAT and taxes
Was: 52 €
Lowest price: 45.80 €
Ending soon
Western Cape WO Chardonnay Baroness Nadine 2023 Rupert & Rotschild Vignerons
0,75 ℓ
30.90 €
per bottle
(0,75 ℓ)
41.20 €/ℓ
incl. VAT and taxes
Was: 37.60 €
Lowest price: 30.90 €
Ending soon
Western Cape WO Red Classique 2019 Rupert & Rotschild Vignerons
0,75 ℓ
28.80 €
per bottle
(0,75 ℓ)
38.40 €/ℓ
incl. VAT and taxes
Was: 30.40 €
Lowest price: 24.70 €